Lino and Relief printing

Lino Printing

Lino Printing

Exploring colour

Lino Printing

Lino Printing

Lino Printing

Lino Printing

Lino Printing


Lino Printing

Lino Printing

Exploring themes

Lino Printing

Lino Printing
Watching the adults I work with build their confidence after a lifetime of thinking they just couldn't "do art" is one of the things I'm most proud of.
If I had a penny for every participant that said they "cant draw" or "aren't artistic" then I'd be a very rich man! All humans are creative in some way.
During my sessions I like folk to have access to several different types of art materials at once. I believe giving them choices immediately takes away the serious classroom feeling of "this is the one thing going to study today". The minute participants have ownership over what they are creating then that is the first hurdle overcome and then we can move into the exploration phase. Here I encourage them to play with the materials I have provided. Taking away the pressure of creating a finished artwork immediately makes them feel more at ease and that's when true creativity can happen.
Pyrography and Wood Craft


Pyrography with wood stain

Rainbow Wood Staining

Rainbow Wood Staining







Bird Box Decoration

Bird Box Decoration

Bird Box Decoration

Bird Box Decoration
I have extensive experience in working with the following adult groups
* people affected by mild to serious mental health conditions
* patients affected by Alzhimers and Dementia
* multicultural backgrounds including migrants and refugees
* members of the LGBTQIA + community
* Homeless teenagers and adults
* People experiencing physical disabilities
*some photos are courtesy of the fabulous team at
Tron st Mary's parish Church Glasgow